Carling presents an evening with Institute legends

THE Carling Premiership is offering Institute fans a unique opportunity to get up close and personal with current manager John Gregg and legends Graeme Philson, Paul Kee and Trevor Porter with the 'Carling Presents an Evening of Legends' event at the Icon Restaurant, Waterside, next Wednesday night.

This will be the sixth out of 12 ‘Carling Presents an Evening of Legends’ events hosted by the BBC Sport’s Jackie Fullerton. The free events allow fans to quiz the legends and star players of their team, get a picture taken with them and the Gibson Cup, as well as enjoy some ice-cold pints of Carling.

As current manager of Institute, fans will no doubt want to ask John Gregg his thoughts on the season so far in the Carling Premiership. As well as legends Graeme Philson and Paul Kee, the line-up includes Trevor Porter who has been a player, manager and chairman over the years with Institute so there should be plenty of footballing wisdom as well as career highs and lows to share with the fans.

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Aisling Duffy Carling Marketing Manager is delighted with the success of the events so far.

“We created the Carling Presents evenings to help the fans get closer to legends and star players from their favourite teams in the Carling Premiership. Institute’s event will mark the end of the first half of the events so we still have six more to go and we are delighted with how well they have been received by fans.”

Geoff Wilson, Head of Marketing and Communications at the Irish FA, is delighted with the success of the events.

He said: "It is very satisfying to see the fans and legends have so much enjoyment at these evenings. Both Carling and the IFA have worked tremendously hard to make these legends evenings happen, and we are looking forward to another memorable night at Institute next week."

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